Access to the event is based on a ticket. It is not transferable in any commercial form to another person and can be used only once for one person. To be allowed access, each person must be in possession of a valid ticket. Disabled spectators are entitled to free tickets, subject to availability
Tiriac Open spectator conduct rules
It is forbidden to bring the following objects into the National Tennis Center:
- Weapons of any kind and any object that can be adapted as a weapon or projectile;
- Bottles, flasks or cans of any kind, as well as any other objects made of plastic, glass or any other fragile materials, except for objects necessary for medical reasons duly proven;
- fireworks, torches, smoke and any other pyrotechnic articles;
- sprays, corrosive/flammable substances, paints or containers with noxious or flammable substances;
- laser pointers;
- drones;
- alcohol, drugs and medicines or other toxic or dangerous substances, except substances necessary for proven medical reasons;
- any offensive, racist, xenophobic, materials promoting sexual discrimination, religious, political or other illegal/banned materials, discriminatory propaganda messages;
- Any promotional or commercial objects or materials, such as banners, insignia, symbols or brochures;
- Electronically, mechanically or manually operated sound producing devices such as megaphones;
- animals, with the exception of guide/assistance dogs (provided that current legislation allows guide/assistance dogs to be allowed on the arena premises);
- any other materials deemed inappropriate, dangerous and/or not permitted by the local security authorities.
Obligations of spectators:
- To strictly comply with the measures established by the organizer and the security agents;
- to present, when entering the arena, their admission ticket (and, if required by the police - identity papers;
- not to buy tickets for resale and not to oversell them;
- not to introduce inside the National Tennis Center any inscriptions, emblems, banners, placards, banners, posters, flags or other supports containing symbols, slogans, images or texts with obscene content or inciting to denigrate the country, xenophobia, national, racial, class or religious hatred, discrimination of any kind and violence;
- not to introduce or display insignia or chant political slogans;
- to submit to a summary body and baggage search; refusal to be searched will entail a ban from the arena;
- not to enter the premises of the National Tennis Center under the influence of drugs or psychotropic substances, in a drunken stupor, not to bring into the stands or consume alcoholic beverages;
- occupy the seat indicated on the ticket;
- not to consume food in the stands;
- not to smoke in the stands; the ban also applies to persons using electronic cigarettes;
- to leave the arena immediately in the event of an evacuation measure imposed by the security officers;
- ticket holders may not continuously collect, disseminate, transmit, transmit, publish or release scores or statistical data from the field of play during the match (from the start of a match until the end of the match) for commercial or gambling purposes;
- children under 5 years of age do not need a ticket;
- children under 5 years of age are not allowed on the playing courts;
- pets are not allowed.
Thank you,
Tiriac Open Team